Let’s Talk About AI – Artificial Intimacy

We have thousands of followers and friends on social media.

But we have 0 friends who can bring us a meal when we’re lying sick in bed or who could take care of our dog for a weekend while we’re going away for work.

Artificial intimacy is the creation of emotional connection, closeness, or intimacy through technology, but it is also where the absence of genuine human interaction stands. However, this concept has become increasingly relevant with the rise of technology and the digital communication platforms where we spend hours daily.

The Four Types Of AI

There are four examples of artificial intimacy: online relationships, virtual companionship, virtual reality experiences, and remote communication technologies. But before we dive into each, I want to bring up the problem we face today: why are we feeling more lonely today than ever?

While artificial intimacy can provide benefits such as increased social connection and emotional support, we must recognize its limitations. Artificial intimacy may not fully replicate the depth and complexity of genuine human relationships, and relying too heavily on technology for emotional fulfillment can potentially lead to feelings of isolation or disconnection. Balancing digital interactions with in-person connections is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and overall well-being.

The Benefits Of AI

However, here are the benefits of artificial intimacy:

  • In online relationships, we can interact with others through social media, messaging apps, or online forums and create a sense of connection and intimacy, even though we might not have met in person.
  • In virtual companionship, chatbots or virtual assistants designed to engage in conversations with users can simulate companionship and emotional support, providing a sense of intimacy.
  • In virtual reality experiences, immersive virtual reality (VR) environments can simulate interpersonal interactions and relationships, allowing users to experience a sense of closeness and intimacy with virtual characters or avatars.
  • In remote communication technologies, video calls, voice calls, and messaging platforms allow people to maintain relationships and intimacy over long distances, bridging geographical barriers and fostering emotional connections (a personal favorite).

And here are the reasons why the benefits still contribute to loneliness:

  • Technology replacing face-to-face connections: While digital communication platforms offer convenience and accessibility, they often lack the depth and richness of in-person interactions. Spending excessive time engaging with screens can lead to a sense of disconnection from genuine human connection.
  • Social media and comparison culture: Social media platforms can create a distorted perception of reality, fostering feelings of inadequacy and loneliness as individuals compare their lives to exceptional online identities. This constant comparison can deteriorate self-esteem and deepen feelings of isolation.
  • Decreased community engagement: Modern lifestyles characterized by urbanization, long work hours, and individualistic attitudes have led to a decline in traditional community structures such as neighborhoods, clubs, and religious organizations. This weakening of community ties reduces opportunities for meaningful social interactions.

An effective way to help athletes feel less lonely in today’s society is to prioritize building a supportive team culture, foster a sense of belonging, encourage open communication, provide mentorship, promote mental health awareness, and create opportunities for connection. Team dinners after games and sometimes even randomly throughout the week can mean more than you can imagine to athletes who live far away from their homes.

Until next week, check on your teammates, friends, co-workers. Ask them about something they’ve told you about before, show them that they have been in your thoughts.

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